People through art therapy, treatment was started for the first time. Ministry of Health Mental Health Center, said the director of the Victory of it. According to him, the purpose of art therapy for people with all kinds of art impact on psychology to treat them to some extent.
Art therapy is used to treat patients with mental disorders. The center started functioning from January 10 this year. Mental Health Center psychologist, art therapist said that there are several types of art therapy and art therapy is considered one of the modern . The purpose of this type of treatment, patients danısdırmadan reveal their problems and stress, facilitate state.
these are different types of treatment: sand therapy, iso-therapy, marriage and family therapy, creative art therapy, work therapy, clay therapy and so on. For example, during therapy in patients with iso-colored pens, pastels, oil, wet paint, draw, read books, and the staging of the trinket-therapy, music therapy helps the people to express their feelings with music, they play musical instruments. yet the most terapiası a lot of sand, and the iso-therapy is used to mask therapy. People regardless of age at the time of sands therapy in sterile sand play with toys.
There is no one here, anyone who is under the age of 3 to 90 can be engaged with art therapy. According to a psychologist, who addresses the major problems of Azerbaijanis neurosis, old problems, family problems are related. According to the expert, including normal people, reabiliytasiyaya accordance with the violation of any mental or neurotic Any person may apply to the center. Art The duration of therapy in the patient's current psychological state of the nervous system, depending on the nature and depth of the problem is determined. In this therapy, 12, 13 can be set as session. noted that patients treated with any kind of art therapy will be determined by doctors.
This is primarily done with the consultation, the patient is prepared in accordance with the individual program for him. Psixoterapevtlə if necessary depending on the condition of the patient, the drugs are used jointly. Art-therapy for those who want to help through the mental aspect of Monti market, the Ministry of Health Mental Health Center, located in Hidayetzadeh applications and write and express their desire to get treatment. Then they pass the examination, psychiatrists, psychologists, and they yonləndirilirlər it is diagnosed. , the center is a treatment for state-owned enterprises is carried out free of charge. psychologist, art therapist says that the center is the number of applicants for a new beginning, not so much. However, he thinks there will be free time after 5-6 months.
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