Thursday 16 January 2014

1 apple to eat throughout the day is to protect people from the disease of atherosclerosis

U.S. scientists and researchers have noted that eating an apple a day not only to defend himself from the disease of atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of getting the disease.

 Atherosclerosis - intimasında artery arising from the collection of plasma origin aterogenik Lipoprotein-fibroproliferativ inflammatory process.

Atherosclerosis ateromalar or ateromatoz or vascular fibrosis-oiled boards and grille mənfəzinə surging toward the narrow, stifling the media and the tunica intima, which can cause serious complications characterized by membrane damage. 

Atherosclerosis mainly elastic-type arteries (eg, aorta, sleep, and qalca arteries), large and medium-sized muscular-type arteries (eg, coronary and dizaltı arteriayalar for example).

known, thanks to the action of free radicals in the development of atherosclerosis is the oxidation within xolestrinin.

To prevent oxidation, it is necessary to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. It is necessary to reduce the risk of anti-oxidants can prevent oxidation. According to this direction, the problem can be solved by eating 1 apple a day.

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